Ministry Endorsements
"Dr. David Yanez is a man of integrity with a proven ministry of signs, wonders and miracles. He uses innovative technology to bring the gospel to this generation in demonstration of the Spirit and power. He is one of God’s choice vessels in these last days. As a friend and co-laborer I highly recommend Dr. Yanez."
Darrell McManus – Healing Evangelist, Author, Founder of Darrell McManus Ministries "Dr. David Yanez is a man of faith, greatly used of God in the healing and miracle ministry. His teachings and experiences will bring one to a different level of faith. He has a true ministry of reaching the unreachable for the Kingdom of God." Pastor Jack Wells, Christian Fellowship of Walker-Denham Springs, LA "No higher praise can be offered than to describe David Yanez as a man of God who lives what he preaches. His love for the forgotten peoples of earth stirs me to find and reach those suffering in a similar manner. A faith preacher, David is a miracle worker and someone worthy of your confident consideration," Malcolm Burton, Pastor, Northgate Family Church, Spring, TX “Whether it is preaching in the local church, sending the gospel all over the world through internet radio and the printed page or going on missionary journeys, David Yanez is determined to fulfill the commandment of Jesus to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Revelation Ministries is a God inspired, great fruit bearing ministry of the Lord Jesus.” Pastor David Hope, Words Of Life Church, Humble, TX “David Yanez, of RevMedia Publishing is a God chosen man who is filled with character and gifting for the ministry of missions and media understanding. A proven blessing for advancing the work of our Lord in these high-tech days.” Dr. Gerald W. Davis, Overflowing Cup Ministries, Conroe, TX “The thing I admire about Dr. Dave Yanez, and his radio network, is his appreciation of programs that are trying to "meet people where they are... in order to take people where they need to go". We no long can be fisherman of men with a "dry hook". I think sports provides that bait that causes people to at least swim around us to check out we might be offering. The Gospel has been around for a long I believe we must be creative and innovative in the way we present the "Good News of Jesus Christ" to a world that truly is lost and desparate for "some kind of hope"!...Dave understands that...PTL!” Dr. Dwight Allen, A Second Look at Sports, Findley, OH |
Click here “I met David Yanez in California several years ago. At that time he was in the process of opening his own broadcasting station. He is one of the men that work on the edge for Jesus. His drive is infectious and has a limitless open vision. Only a few men like this around. His dedication is outstanding. I will stand behind him in all he does for our Lord.”
Pastor Cliff McKern, Life-Builder Church Ministries, Fort Worth, Texas “I have worked with David for sometime and have found him to be a brother in Christ. He has always been loving, vision oriented, and wanted to use all his abilities for the Lords work. I would recommend David, his ministries, and his work to anyone whom would want some one to be a true brother in Christ and someone to trust. I count him as a friend, someone I can trust. He has always been faithful and given his help if I needed it.” Dana G Smith,WIBR/WARN Radio and Online Ministries "At Shepherd's Hill Academy, we appreciate David Yanez and his support of our radio broadcast 'License To Parent with Trace Embry.' Relationship is important to our ministry as it is important to the Kingdom and its expansion. We pray God would be pleased by the efforts of the Rev Media Network for His glory." Trace Embry, Founder and Executive Dir. of Shepherd's Hill Academy in Martin, GA "I have known Dr David Yanez since 2009 and his enthusiasm, entrepreneurship and love for people wears me out just trying to keep up with him. David keeps himself abreast with the most modern means of technological developments to communicate his message in the most effective and practical ways. The success of his media ministry, as well as his achievements in practical mission work, are due not only to the powerful anointing from the Lord on David’s life but because of his endearing personality that manifests his love of God. I prophesy that, good as this is, we have not and seen anything yet and we can expect phenomenal things to come from the ministries of this young man." Peter Stanway, The WayCM, Mijas,Spain “Dr. David Yanez has been a friend of mine for many years. His ministry is valuable on many levels, especially in the areas of user-friendly broadcasting and publishing. But more than that, he is a man of integrity that I am proud to recommend.” Dr. Bron Barkley Founding Pastor Shalom Hebraic Christian Congregation of Kingwood, Texas Director of Evangelism of Alive Ministries of Kingwood, Texas |